# TTSResult

Represent a TTS result from FakeYou

# Constructor

new Model(client, data);
client Client The client that instantiated this No
data APIData The result API data No

# Properties

# attemps

The attempts that were generated to make this result

# audioPath

The audio file path of this user

# client

The client that instantiated this

# createdAt

The date this result was created

# createdTimestamp

The time in seconds this result was created

# duration

The duration in milliseconds of this result

# model

The model that was used to create it

# modelToken

The model token that was used to create it

# partial

Checks if has partial data

# setVisibility

The visibility of the result

# spectrogramPath

The spectrogram file path of the result

# size

The audio size of this result

# text

The text that was used to generate the audio

# token

The result token

# type

The type of the result, equals to "tts"

# updatedAt

The date this result was updated

# updatedTimestamp

The time in seconds this result was updated

# vocoder

The maybe pretrained vocoder used in the result

# worker

The worker who generated it

# Methods

# audioURL()

The URL of audio file

# fetch()

Get all data about this model

# getAudio()

Get the wav audio file

# getSpectrogram()

Get the json spectrogram file

# resultURL()

The URL of the result

# spectrogramURL()

The URL of spectrogram file

# isVisible()

Checks if the category is visible to public